Zuberi ('strength') Pilates & Nutrition Studio focuses on developing strength in movement and good diet.

Zuberi Pilates Studio is private Pilates Studio that caters to clients who prefer to attend small group or private classes. All classes are run by the owner and Pilates Instructor - Wangari Stewart.

I (Wangari) found Pilates 17 years ago in search of an exercise that complimented my running while building strength at the same time.

Running is a high impact sport that puts a lot of strain to joints, so I needed something that was low impact and effective but at the same time challenging. I was hooked on Pilates after my first Matwork Class and in complete amazement at the mind-body connection that I was able to attain. I started raving about Pilates to anyone that would listen and how great I felt physically and mentally. Eventually the penny dropped and I decided to train as a teacher. I hold a Diploma in Professional Pilates Instruction 10838NAT from Pilates ITC Australia and a Certificate in Nutrition from eCornell.

Zuberi Pilates Studio opened in Perth, Australia at the beginning of 2016 and relocated to Nairobi in August 2018. I work with clients of all ages and abilities endeavouring to always give them instruction with the appropriate focus, be it to relax, energise, concentrate or just work hard! I teach matwork and studio work to a wide variety of loyal clients.

I am also a mother of two beautiful spirited girls, Miss M - 10 and Miss W - 8. Pilates has been pivotal in helping me during and after both pregnancies. I really love working with pregnant and postnatal clients and empowering them with knowledge on safe and efficient exercises.

My goal is to create an environment where clients feel welcome, safe, and hopeful about meeting their fitness or rehabilitation goals, and improving their quality of life. I very much look forward to meeting you.

The main benefits of Pilates are:

  • Improved flexibility

  • Improved posture

  • Stress Management and Relaxation

  • Safe rehabilitation of joint and spinal injuries